Monday, March 2, 2009

Transparency is Not for the Squeamish

Transparency, implying openness, communication, and full disclosure, is the current metaphorical benchmark for integrity and information sharing. It's the contemporary standard by which we hope to hold policy makers, public officials, and ourselves accountable.

"Transparency" as a theme represents a flashpoint of frustration in Press Secretary Robert Gibbs' meetings with the press. It makes an appearance as the concluding observation in this recent piece in the New York Times, "Sharper Downturn Clouds Obama Spending Plans": "As the gruesome data accumulates, this much is already clear: Transparency is not for the squeamish."

I'd love to see an interpretation of that sentence by printmaker Amos Kennedy, Jr, who is so brilliant at piling on layers of color, word, and image.


Daughter Number Three said...

I would love to Amos print that phrase, too! But to let him know, you'll have to send it by snail mail because he doesn't do email.

I have a printed copy of the poster you included with your post... like much of Amos's work, the color and layers are totally different than the one you posted, but it's the same type and arrangement.

elena said...

Hi DN3,
So cool about your APKJ poster. Amos is on facebook, I'm happy to say! I find that kind of amusing and wonderful, after getting to know more about him in the film "Proceed and be Bold!" I don't think we'll find him twittering any time soon, though. I'm going to send him a facebook message...