Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rotorbrain: Color Theory and Other Interactivities


Over at Jonathan Foote's Rotorbrain Industries, you'll find two color interaction demonstrations that let you play with some of the concepts of Josef Albers' color theory.

The first one demonstrates how context influences our perception of colors. (You manipulate sliders to see how this works.)

The second demonstrates how color can influence our spatial perception.

This is a very rich, deep and remarkable website, where you can jump to "another damnable blog" (waxing prolix), and find wonderful photos by David Hilbert from the Galapagos Islands, set to music.

(By the way: Why is it that when my Ladies' Book Club gets onto something, such as reading Darwin, I then run into Darwin at every turn? In the latest issue of The New Yorker, for example, Anthony Lane discusses a new film about Darwin, "Creation," by Jon Amiel).

Foote makes light sculptures (such as this Cage Lamp), invents things (a micro rhythm orchestra, electronic color goggles, mapping code, robotic avatars for desktop teleconferencing – the array of creations is brain-rotoring, indeed. Art meets science meets design meets exceptional curiosity and (dare I venture?) brilliance. The photo here of some of his light art is by Michael Prados.

Perhaps my favorite page, for personal reasons (at least tonight) is a very simple one, from the Interactivities page:

For Marie (hint: use the mouse). I have a good friend with that name, and suspect that she may enjoy clicking and scrolling over there!

There's even a Hope-Fear Meter light sculpture: that seems timely and relevant today. (Isn't this a fabulous photo?)

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