Thursday, January 14, 2010

Up and Coming, Up and Running: Food Co-op Start Up Conference

We're having a conference here in Bloomington, on February 19 and 20, for people who are working to start food co-ops in their communities. I am on the board of the Indiana Cooperative Development Center, and on the staff of Bloomingfoods: both organizations are teaming up, with help from the Cooperative Development Foundation, to offer this opportunity. The more food co-ops, the better! (I am a co-op evangelist, I know..)

I just finished designing the Save the Date card, and the Conference Schedule. Come join us if you want to team up with your friends and neighbors and start your own grocery store!


Daughter Number Three said...

Love the cabbages, ma petite chou!

elena said...

Thank you! They are breaking away through the Indiana some of the small start-ups around here.